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Fida Insurance Group

244 Monroe Turnpike (Route 111)
Monroe, CT 06468

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Insuring an Older Home in Connecticut

You can find all types of homes in the Monroe, CT, and Eastern Fairfield County areas. It serves as a home for many who work in New Haven, Bridgeport, and even New York. Fida Insurance Group is pleased to serve to protect many of these homes through homeowner’s insurance.

Of course, not all homes are built or insured the same. If you have an older home in the area, you should be aware of some aspects of insuring it.

Factors that influence home insurance rates.

Rates to insure a home are based on multiple factors, including location, size, building materials, replacement costs, and more. What many may not realize, however, is that age can play a significant role.

How age impacts home insurance rates.

Older homes were built under less stringent building codes so that they may be more susceptible to damage. They may also have older, perhaps even unsafe wiring or plumbing, and roofs often nearing the end of their lifespans. Historic homes may even have more expensive roofing materials that may be more costly to repair or replace.

Insuring an older home.

If you have an older home, your homeowner’s insurance company could ask you to upgrade the property before offering to insure it. If not, rates may be higher in anticipation of the heightened risks.

Get a price quote today.

Whether you have a new or older home, we invite you to get an insurance review and price quote from Fida Insurance Group of Monroe, CT.

We can also ensure your coverage meets or exceeds your expectations for repairs and replacements.

Contact us for your free quote today.

Why an Occasional Review of Your Home Insurance is Crucial

Why You Need a Home Insurance Review in Monroe, CT

The significance of comprehending your home insurance policy often gets overlooked. Does your policy cover everything you think it does? Are there gaps you’re unaware of? If you’re unsure, consider a home insurance review from Fida Insurance Group, serving the Monroe, CT, area. Please don’t leave your property vulnerable; let’s ensure you’re adequately covered.

Coverage Analysis: Is Your Home Covered Enough?

In an ever-changing real estate market, there’s a chance that the value of homes in your neighborhood has increased, or inflation may have eroded your coverage. A detailed review by our experts can ensure that your coverage aligns with current market economics.

Identifying and Managing Policy Gaps

Each insurance policy has its limits, and you might find yourself unprotected against certain calamities such as flooding. Our comprehensive review will help you understand these limitations and guide you toward a more complete protection plan.

Home Improvements and Your Insurance Policy

Home improvements significantly impact the value of your home and your insurance requirements. If you’ve recently made renovations, added a pool, or enhanced your property in any way, it’s imperative to update your home insurance policy accordingly. Fida Insurance Group can guide you through this process.

Have a Furry New Addition to The Family?

Did you know? Certain dog breeds could impact your homeowners’ insurance. If you’ve recently brought home a furry friend, conducting a home insurance review is a must. Our agents can also help you understand your coverage and any related changes.

Could You Be Overpaying on Insurance?

Without frequent review and comparison, you may be paying more for your home insurance than you need to. Fida Insurance Group can help you compare and possibly save on your insurance costs. Book your free review and quote with us today.

Homing in on Security: A Snapshot of Home Insurance in Monroe, CT

For Monroe, CT homeowners, there is nothing more important than adequately protecting your most significant investment. At Fida Insurance Group, this is something that we understand innately. To learn more about the most crucial considerations to make when purchasing a home insurance policy, please take a moment to read on.

Consider Your Specific Needs

No two home insurance policies are exactly alike. Each Monroe, CT homeowner must consider their specific needs. The last thing that any client wants is to choose a policy that will leave them with less than adequate coverage once it comes time to handle any legitimate concerns. Protection must be provided for a wide range of potential problems.

Additional Customization

Additional customization may be required once the initial policy has been decided upon. A regular home insurance policy is not going to cover everything. If there are hazards that are not covered by a typical policy, our insurance representatives will discuss them with each client before making any decisions. It is always best to be proactive instead of reactive.

Create a List of Valuables

Our team is only as useful as the information that they are being provided with. As such, you need to write down a list of valuables so that we can provide all of the necessary coverage. It can be difficult to account for everything that you would like to cover. Take your time and ensure you are protected against any and all damages that may occur.

Would you like to learn more about your potential home insurance policy? If so, Monroe, CT area residents are urged to speak with our experienced insurance representatives as soon as possible. Fida Insurance Group will help you remove all the guesswork from the selection process.

Does Home Insurance Protect You From Flooding?

You may need a flood insurance policy if you are a homeowner in an area near a coastline or with a history of flooding. Most home insurance products only cover flooding from plumbing or other issues unrelated to storms or natural events. If you want to learn more about home insurance coverage, trust the experts at Fida Insurance Group, proudly serving the residents of Monroe, CT. 

Home Insurance Protection 

If you want the security of home insurance, we can help. However, if you want protection against flooding, you’ll need a separate flood insurance policy, which the government backs. They have a national flood program that allows you to choose insurance that can cover costs to repair or replace your home in the event of flooding. This can occur when heavy rain, hurricanes, and other natural events damage your home and property. You may be required to carry flood insurance if you live in certain areas. 

If you want assistance selecting the right insurance policy to protect your property and investments, you can count on us to assist you. We can determine which protections are necessary to help avoid losses from covered events and provide you with policy options that meet or exceed your current needs. We can also provide help with documentation and claims after the policy purchase. 

Reach Out Today

If you want to learn more about home or flood insurance, call or stop by the office of Fida Insurance Group. We are excited to help the residents in and around the Monroe, CT, area find the insurance coverage that allows them to rest easy, knowing they are protected. 

Will Home Insurance Provide Coverage for Damage From a Fallen Tree?

One of the more common risks homeowners face involves all the trees surrounding their houses. If a tree is to fall and hit your home or any other structure you have as part of your home insurance policy, do you have coverage? That is the question many Monroe, CT residents have. The Fida Insurance Group gets these questions a lot as a tree can fall due to it being hit with something, facing the high wind, lightning, hail, or even snow.

Trees Falling and Home Insurance

If a tree falls and hits your home, you want to file an insurance claim immediately. This is because, in most cases, your home insurance will cover damage done by a tree to the home.

Following a hurricane, where trees are down, branches fall, etc., insurance companies will be hit with a slew of claims. The ownership of the tree is irrelevant in most cases. What is important is what the tree strikes.

You want to do your best to maintain trees in and around your property. If the tree came from your neighbor’s yard, your insurance provider might try to collect it from their insurance company via subrogation, but that is outside of your hands.

Tree Removal Coverage

Many home insurance policies will also help you out with the cost of tree removal. There is usually a limit of around $500 to $1,000 to pay for tree removal from your policy. Read the different coverages to determine what you qualify for.

The Fida Insurance Group has seen it all in terms of trees falling and causing damage to a home. If you live in Monroe, CT, you know the weather can get wild, and trees can come crashing down when it does. Knowing what your insurance covers helps provide good peace of mind.

What forms of coverage come with home insurance in Monroe?

Being a property owner in the Monroe, CT area has been a good investment and housing decision for a long time. If you do decide that owning a home is a good option, you will always want to know that you have the right insurance in place for it. A home insurance plan is always a good investment as it offers various coverage forms that protect you and your property.

Protects Dwelling

A form of coverage you will get for your home in this part of Connecticut is protection for your dwelling. If you want to own any property, it would be a good idea to ensure you have support if it is damaged in an accident or you are a victim of theft or vandalism. If you obtain a home insurance plan, you will also get this type of support. This can give you peace of mind and ensure you meet insurance standards set by your lender.

Liability Coverage

All people should carefully assess their personal liability risks. If you are a property owner, there will always be a chance you could cause an accident, or someone could get hurt in your home. With a liability insurance plan, you will have protection if you are deemed liable for damages incurred by another party during the accident. 

When you live in the Monroe, CT area, it would be a good idea for you to have proper insurance for your home. There are a lot of choices to make when looking for coverage here, and the Fida Insurance Group can help with this. The Fida Insurance Group will take a personalized approach to ensure they understand your insurance needs and options and can build a proper plan. 

When are you legally required to carry home insurance?

While Connecticut doesn’t require you to purchase homeowners’ insurance, your bank can, and that remains perfectly legal. It goes back to the federal deposit insurance that each bank carries.

As long as you maintain a mortgage on your Monroe, CT home, you’ll need to maintain a homeowners’ insurance policy from Fida Insurance Group. That’s because the bank must require the insurance to protect itself from the risk of loaning out the funds it insures through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

The FDIC protects all of the money in the bank. That means it protects the money you deposited, that your next-door neighbor deposited, and that the dry cleaning business you use deposited.

It may sound like that double insures things, and it does. The FDIC insures the deposits to the bank, but when the bank loans the money, it no longer sits in its vault. The FDIC insurance covers the money in the bank. That means the bank needs to make sure that you can pay your mortgage if something happens to your home to damage it.

Repairs to homes cost a lot, which could negate your mortgage payments. By requiring you to carry home insurance, the bank alleviates its risk of loaning you the money.

This may seem like passing the buck, but the federal government alleviates bank risk by offering insurance, and the bank alleviates its risk by requiring insurance. The upshot of the insurance requirements results in loans, so more people can buy homes and experience the security of homeownership.

When you visit Fida Insurance Group serving Monroe, CT for insurance for your home insurance, we’ll help you choose the right type because home insurance comes in eight different types. Call us today for coverage.

Why do people in Monroe need home insurance?

The Monroe, CT area can be a great place to invest and purchase a home. If you want to buy a home when you are in this region, you will want to know that your investment is protected for years to come. A great way that this can be done is by getting a home insurance plan. There are various reasons why people in this area will need to carry home insurance. 

Coverage Will Offer Protection

A reason that many in this area of the state will get home coverage is for the protection that it provides. Your home insurance plan offers coverage that will cover your dwelling and personal assets, up to the limits of your policy. It will also offer a provision for liability insurance protection. Ultimately, this can help to provide great financial support if an accident or other form of loss occurs.

Owners Need Insurance to Comply with Requirements  

It is also very common for property owners in this area to get home insurance as it will be a requirement set by their home loan provider. If you have taken out a loan to buy a home, you undoubtedly will need to get insurance for it. Further, any home association that you are a part of will require you to get coverage. 

People that are in the Monroe, CT area will find that owning a home can be a great long-term decision. When you are evaluating your home purchase needs, spending time assessing your insurance needs as well is important. When choosing a new plan, calling the Fida Insurance Group is important. The team with the Fida Insurance Group can give you the support that you need to build a plan that will protect your home and keep you in full compliance. 

Three Riders to Consider Adding to Your Home Insurance

Homeowners insurance is designed to protect your home and personal belongings from damage and theft due to natural disasters, fire, and a variety of other unforeseen circumstances that may arise. Although home insurance is indeed beneficial, the majority of policies will limit coverage. The good news is that there are insurance riders that can offer Monroe, CT residents supplemental protection for when their standard home insurance policy won’t cover a situation. Contact us at Fida Insurance Group to add any of the below riders to your home insurance policy.

Personal Property Rider

Although you can be reimbursed by your insurance company when your personal property is damaged or stolen, there are exceptions to the rule. For instance, you are likely only to receive reimbursement up to a certain amount for firearms, jewelry, collectibles, and other valuables. Depending on the value of your personal belongings, the amount you receive could be considerably less than the true actual value of these items. With a personal property rider, you will have additional coverage, allowing you to be compensated for their full value.

Home Business Rider

It is not uncommon for people to run a business out of their home. This is extremely convenient, but it can also create a number of complications for your home insurance. More than likely, your insurance will not cover any equipment or inventory that is damaged or lost if your home is broken into. The same is true if a customer suffers an injury on your property. To ensure you are fully protected, a home business rider is a wise investment.

Water Damage Rider

Your home insurance will cover certain types of water damage, such as overflowing appliances and burst plumbing pipes. However, if there is water damage that occurs inside of your home from an outside source, such as a sewer backup or flooding, it is unlikely that your homeowners insurance will cover the damage—and these costs can be exorbitant. Therefore, with a water damage or flooding rider, you can ensure that you have the proper coverage in the event of external water damage.

If you aren’t sure what riders you need for your Monroe, CT home, connect with us at Fida Insurance Group and we will help determine the best coverage for your home and situation.

What are the Most Common Home Insurance Claims?

Homeowner’s insurance protects your home and your personal belongings inside. In the event of damage, disaster, or theft, homeowner’s coverage can be a lifesaver. Here at the Fida Insurance Group, serving Monroe, CT, we can help you find the right homeowner’s policy for you. But did you know that you can lower your premiums if you take steps to mitigate your risk against common claims?

Wind and Hail

The damage caused by wind and hail is the most common home insurance claim. Tornadoes, thunderstorms, hurricanes, and other natural phenomena are encompassed under this type of claim. And while there may be no steps for you to mitigate your risk, Fida Insurance Group is here to keep you safe and protect your home.

Fire and Lightning

One of the most expensive and damaging claims is that of a fire. These fires can be caused internally or by lightning strikes, but they can destroy a lot of property quickly. However, you can lower your risk by having a fire extinguisher or blanket, a working smoke alarm, and having a carbon monoxide detector. While these cannot protect you against a fire from ever happening, it can reduce what is lost.

Water and Freezing Damage

A burst pipe in the winter or an appliance leak in the summer, water damage is an often-occurring home insurance claim. The best way to mitigate this risk is to check and maintain your plumbing, water lines, and sprinkler systems frequently, and steps to protect against freezing.

By speaking with one of our agents here at Fida Insurance Group, serving Monroe, CT, you can learn about the variety of coverage options, and what you can do to mitigate your risk. We are happy to help answer any questions regarding homeowner’s insurance and help you find the right policy.